DLU::MOOREBK "Texas Rangers magic number: 144!" 24-APR-1996 14:5
The Meaning of Life
I have collected all of your answers and assembled them together. I hope you enjoy reading these answers. If you have any ideas what the question could be next time, please let me know. I will consider any suggestions you offer.
What is the meaning of life?
the meaning of life is:
To study your brains out, TRY to
become successful, pay high taxes,
have a house full of screaming children,
and go insane by figuring out
if the Houston Oilers are coming
to town.
easy, it's a monty python movie.
Living a good life on Earth and preparing ourselves for life in
the meaning of life, the universe, and everything--42.
what was the question?
It's called the book of Ecclesiastes. Look into it.
Also, I know that if I had a beautiful, slender, long-legged, well-endowed,
flat stomached maiden of virtue with long flowing red hair and an interest
in Civil War battleground cartography, i wouldn't care.
What is the meaning of life?
It seems that life is focused around writing papers.
1. To see just how many time you can skip chapel and not get caught!
2. Computers, computers, computers!
3. To find your soul mate on the internet, have 'Safe virtual EXperiences'
with them, exchange pictures via realmail find out
Chris really can be
the name of a member of the same sex, catch a computer
virus and die!
The meaning of life is who, what, when, where, why, how, and if
it was something that you would like to share with other people, unless
you get humiliated easily.
Life is a cereal.
Jim: That's life.
Tim: What's life?
Jim: A magazine
Tim: How much does it cost?
Jim: $1
Tim: I've only got a quarter.
Jim: That's life.
Tim: What's Life?
Jim: ...
Have a corndog before you die
> What is the meaning of life?
something to eat, something to drink, and NFL football games to
You knew this was coming: FORTY TWO!
The meaning of life is definitely not to write this eight page English
paper. David
What is the meaning of life?
1. The army's Version: "To be all you can be until you get so sick
of trying to be perfect, you puke."
2. Mr Roger's Version: "To smile until your face cracks. Then you
turn into some psycho who murders children every full moon."
3. Jeffrey Dahmer's Version: "To have fun mutilating and eating
little boys, then repent before you die, so you can still go to Heaven."
4. Christy's Version: "Have fun being a spaz while you can because
this is the only chance you get!"
5. O.J. Simpson's Version: "To lie the best you can so you don't
have to spend your life in jail."
6. President Clinton's Version: "To enjoy my four years in office
because I'm not gonna be back."
7. David Letterman's Version: "To learn how to whistle well in
the space between my teeth."
8. Madonna's Version: "To have a baby before my biological clock
runs down."
9. Rush Limbaugh's Version: "To tell everyone else what they are
doing wrong."
10. Ronald Reagen's Version: "I don't remember."
Well, Brent, here's my own top 10 list. I thought they were kinda
cute myself.
---------------- By! Christy Forehand
the meaning of life is a fudgesickle on a hot summer day that drips
on your hands and gets in your hair and and on your nose when you pick
it and somehow un your underwear but tastes good anyway
The meaning of life is to take hold of the girl you want and to say the 3 magic words "Let's go Bowling!!!!"
It is not for us to know.
Meaning of life:
A. root is a state of
B. advance the science
of hacking.
C. advance the science
of picking up females.
D. all of the above.