To:	@thm
Subj:	HOLIDAYS OF JAN 21 - 27
SUN JAN 21:National Clean-off-your-desk Day
	   St. Agnes (UK)
	   Anniversary of Lenin's Death (Russia)
	   Altagracia Day (Dominican Republic)
TUE JAN 23:National Handwriting Day
	   St. Ildefonsus
	   Lichtenstein National Holiday
WED JAN 24:Economic Liberation Day (Togo)
THR JAN 25:Burns Night (UK)
FRI JAN 26:Gen. Douglas MacArthur Day
	   Australia Day
	   St. Polycarp
	   Michigan Day
	   Duarte's Birthday (Dominican Republic)
	   Basant Pancami (India)
SAT JAN 27:St. Chrysostom
	   St. Devote (Monaco)
NOTE:  Tommorrow (Sat, Jan 20) is St. Agnes Eve.  According to tradition, a
young lady will meet, for the first time, the man she will eventually marry.
Last week's trivia question was somewhat ambiguous, and nobody understood what
was meant.  Therefore, there will be no trivia winner this week.  What I meant
to ask was what does superstition say about the five-leaf clover?
	How many miles of arteries, capillaries and veins are there in the
adult human body?
	The four-leaf clover is considered lucky because of its rarity and
symmetry.  What about the even rarer five-leaf clover?
	ANSWER:  The superstitious consider it bad luck if kept-but good luck
	to both parties if given away immediately upon finding.
I will try to tell a handful of jokes in this spot for the next several weeks.
   "I beg your pardon,"said the man returning to his seat in the theater,"but
did I step on your toes when I left?"
   "You certainly did!" answered the annoyed patron.
   The man turned to his companion."Honey, come on," he said,"We're in the
right row!"
   A hunting party was hopelessly lost. "I thought you said you were the best
guide in Maine!" one of the hunters angrily said to their confused leader.
   "I am," replied the guide.  "But I think we're in Canada now."
   Two young kids were talking abotu math.  The first one asked,"If you have
$2, and you asked your father for $4, how much will you have?"
   The other kid responded "Two dollars."
   The first child said "You don't know your math."
   The second one replied "You don't know my father."
Leave it to the Fox network to think up something like this.  You may have seen
their advertsiements in which they claim for the NHL all-star game, they have a
new invention which will be the greatest sports technical development in a long
time.  This is what they have done:  They have specially enhanced the hockey
puck with a magnetic metal.  They have also enhanced some cameras to pick up
the new puck.  During play, the puck will have a halo around it and when it is
shot, it will leave a trail like a comet behind.
During the installation of new lighting inside Liverpool Cathederal, an
electrician working in the roof space accidentally left the elevator door open,
preventing anyone from below from calling it.  Visitors were stunned to see the
Clerk of works standing in the middle of the cathederal, yelling heavanward,
"Peter! Close the gates!"
Three trained dolphins escaped from their performing pen at a resort in Key
Largo, Fla.  They were discovered several days later in a lagoon of Key
Biscayne, some 55 miles distant.  At 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. they performed
tricks, apparently hoping to be fed on their Key Largo show schedule.	
A mischevious Des Moines Register reporter sent checks to several magazines and
nonprofit organizations, using a slightly different name on each one to enable
her to determine who sold her name to whom.  Over the course of the subsequent
12 months she received no fewer than 400 solicitations.  While the John Birch
Society was content just to cash her check, the ACLU fingered her to no fewer
than 11 of its sister liberal organizations.
						Slama sidhi barakas,

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