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Ready House

Ready House

Album Featured Cannon Co.

Image 27/36

Aug 28, 2009 16:27


I recently watched a documentary on the history of Rutherford County. The first county seat was the now underwater town of Jefferson. County officials wanted to move the county seat to a better location. Murfreesboro was ultimately chosen, but Mr. Ready wanted his town of Readyville to be the new county seat (presumably so he could make a lot of money selling a lot of his land in the area.) After Murfreesboro was chosen, Mr. Charles Ready continued to throw a fit about Readyville not being chosen. Soon afterward, when it was necessary to create the border between Rutherford and Cannon counties, Officials made sure the border went through Mr. Ready's house and mill so that he'd have to pay taxes in both counties. From this vantage point, the East side on the left is cannon County and the right west side is Rutherford. Eventually, Charles Ready became a U.S. Congressman.